香港特別行政區行政長官 董建華獻辭 香港報業公會的“香港最佳新聞獎”舉辦多年,對於提高新聞從業員的新聞寫作和攝影專業水平,成效卓著。二零零一年度的比賽佳作紛陳,優勝作品更是技冠同儕,實至名歸,我謹向各位得獎者衷心致賀。 資訊自由流通,對促進社會繁榮進步至為重要,在香港這個國際都會尤然。翔實報道客觀評論,不但有助增進市民對本地和國際動向的了解,也能推動他們多關心社會事務,傳媒工作的確任重而道遠。我深信我們的新聞從業員都有決心和能力,負起這重大使命,與市民一起為建設更美好的香港作出貢獻。 Tung Chee Hwa Over the years, the Newspaper Society's Press Awards have served to advance journalists' professional standards in news reporting and photography. This year we saw a large number of excellent and arresting entries, and the winners with their outstanding performance well deserve the honour. My congratulations go to them all. Free flow of information is crucial to our prosperity and development, especially to an international city like Hong Kong. Veracity and objectivity in our news reporting not only helps raise public awareness to local and international issues, but also fosters their involvement in community affairs, and we entrust our inspiring local press with their significant task. I am sure our journalists have both the resolve and the ability to fulfill this mission and work with fellow citizens of Hong Kong for a brilliant future.