

衷心恭賀「2 0 1 9 年香港最佳新聞獎」各得獎者。


因此,我對香港報業公會每年舉辦「香港最佳新聞獎」,表揚出色的中英文新聞報道、寫作、照片及設計,深表讚賞。今年,大會一共頒發7 5 個獎項,涵蓋不同範疇,當中包括「最佳新聞獎」、「最佳新人」、「最佳新聞寫作」、「最佳圖片( 特寫組) 」及「最佳新聞版面設計( 系列組) 」等多個獎項類別。各得獎者秉持專業精神,不僅在各自的領域發揮專長,為年輕一代樹立榜樣,並堅持不懈,追訪香



Mrs Carrie Lam
Chief Executive
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


I am pleased to congratulate the winners of the Hong Kong News Awards 2019.

Hong Kong is a major regional publishing hub, attracting a world of international media, alongside local Chinese- and English-language newspapers, magazines and a variety of other publications. Our dynamic local media have long been critical to Hong Kong's outsized success as a financial and logistics capital and trading centre. The media industry's continuing dedication to high-quality reporting and analysis is essential if Hong Kong is to remain a great global city.

To that end, I commend The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong for annually organising the Hong Kong News Awards, which showcases excellence in Chinese- and English-language reporting and writing, as well as photography and design. In all, 75 awards are being presented this year. They cover everything from "Best News Reporting" and "Best Young Reporter" to "Best News Writing", "Best Photograph (Features)" and "Best News Page Design (Series)". The award winners' commitment to their profession is laudable. They also serve, each in their own distinctive way, as role models for our youth, while tenaciously illuminating our economy, society, government and institutions, large and small.

I wish you all the best of business, and plenty of reporting scoops and exclusives, in the coming year.