
  在今天瞬息万变的社会,资讯发达的年代, 新闻传播已成为我们生活上不可或缺的一部份。它拉近了人与人之间的距离,提升了我们的精神素质,让我们与社会同步成长。新闻工作者所肩负的重任及付出的贡献是不容置疑的。香港报业公会每年举办「香港最佳新闻奖」,以表扬优秀同业,发掘新进人才,并藉此提升业界专业水平。


Lee Cho Jat
The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong's message

      In this age of information, news has become an indispensable part of our daily life. It shrinks social distance, enriches our minds, and helps us keep pace with social changes. In discharging their duties of disseminating news, journalists bear a heavy responsibility and make an enormous social contribution.

      Every year, The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong organises the Hong Kong News Awards competition with a view to recognising excellence and raising industry standards. I would like to thank the participating newspapers and congratulate all the winners. I am confident that in performing their duites in the future, they will continue to strive for excellence, adhere to best practice and stick to the truth.