香港報業公會主席 甘煥騰先生獻辭 罕見的南方風雪災害、造成龐大人命財物損失的四川大地震、航天員成功實現太空漫步、歷來最盛大的北京奧林匹克運動會,以至下半載中國破解國際金融海嘯的衝擊,在在皆是國人2008年所面對的大事,同時顯示中國的綜合國力逐漸強大,也反映媒體、包括香港的報業,對國家發展所起的積極作用。 處於這樣特殊的時代背景,2008年度「香港最佳新聞獎」別具意義。感謝評審委員會專業而認真的評選,讓我們一同表彰優秀新聞同業過去一年不辭勞苦、不怕困難、克盡責任的工作。 金融海嘯帶來百年不遇的世紀大變局,香港報業難免亦面臨前景未明的局勢,我深信充滿拼摶精神、靈活變通的同業,定能度過極具挑戰的2009年,繼續堅守職責服務社群。 在此,我謹代表報業公會對「香港最佳新聞獎」評審委員會各委員、本屆新聞獎各贊助機構,表達衷心的謝意。 Keith Kam
2008 began with a rare snowstorm hitting southern China, followed by a disastrous earthquake in Sichuan that inflicted enormous human casualties and property losses. By mid-year, grief was supplanted by euphoria as Chinese astronauts accomplished the historic mission of walking in space and Beijing hosted the most magnificent Olympic Games ever. In the second half of 2008, the nation deftly tackled the impact of the international financial tsunami. All these have shown China’s growing strength as a nation and the positive role that the media, including Hong Kong newspapers, can play in national development. Against such a unique background, the Hong Kong News Awards 2008 has taken on a distinctive dimension. We are grateful to the panel of judges for their professional assessment of the entries and for helping us to honour the works of journalists who braced many difficulties over the past year in bringing us the news. The financial tsunami has brought about changes which we have not experienced in a century. The newspaper industry in Hong Kong inevitably faces uncertainties in the times ahead. But I strongly believe that fellow journalists, with their fighting spirit and adaptability, will be able to overcome a very challenging 2009 and continue to serve the community conscientiously. On behalf of The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, I would like to express my gratitude to every member of the panel of judges and all the sponsors for making this year’s Awards a success.
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