

  對新聞工作者來說,2013年是不平凡的一年。震動國際社會的前美國情報官員泄密事 件,中國新一屆政府大力擴展國際間大國外交關係和大力度大範圍打擊官員貪腐,以 及本地部分市民就民生和政治議題所發起的抗爭行動等,都是牽動千萬人心、影響深 遠的大新聞。新聞工作者在披露、報道、分析各個事件的過程中,展示傳媒在社會監 督、維護公眾知情權、彰顯公義所扮演的重要角色。他們的專業精神和辛勤努力的結 果,不少都體現在2013年最佳新聞獎獲獎作品中。

  一如既往,香港報業公會藉著一年一度舉辦「香港最佳新聞獎」表揚嘉許一年來堅守 崗位、辛勤努力、不懈堅持的優秀同業,鼓勵他們不斷精益求精,促進報業的進步和 發展。

  2014年上旬,國際呈現的多變局面,為世界帶來種種挑戰,同時亦為傳媒一展身手展 現機遇。我相信報業面對的困難和挑戰較以往多,但只要有信心,積極努力,同業定 能克服困難,再創佳績。

  在此,我謹代表香港報業公會衷心祝賀今年新聞獎的獲獎人士,期待他們百尺竿頭, 更進一步。同時亦感謝所有支持新聞獎的機構和熱心人士。

Keith Kam
Message from Chairman of The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong



  To members of the press, 2013 was an extraordinary year. During the period, a number of news events with significant long-term implications aroused intense public interest. They included leaks by an ex-American intelligence official, the new Chinese leadership’s global initiative to forge new diplomatic relations as a major country and its extensive crackdown on corruption, and contentious campaigns over livelihood and political issues mounted by local groups. In revealing, reporting and analyzing these events, the media demonstrated the important role they play in monitoring the society, safeguarding the public’s right to know and advancing justice. Many of this year’s news awards winning entries are the products of their professionalism and dedication.

  As in previous years, The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong recognizes the works of outstanding journalists in the past year by organizing the Hong Kong News Awards 2013. Through the awards, we encourage them to contribute to the progress of the news media by striving for the best and exploring new grounds.

  In the early months of 2014, the world has been engulfed by multifarious changes that have brought forth capricious challenges, presenting the media with yet more opportunities to demonstrate their capabilities. While the newspaper industry is facing more difficulties and challenges than ever, I believe members of the press have confidence in overcoming them and achieving new heights through hard work and perseverance.

  On behalf of The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong, I congratulate all the award winners and encourage them to continue with their quest for excellence. My sincere gratitude also goes to all the sponsors and judges for their valuable support.